1 1 注重使用便捷科学 Focus on easy science 厨房的使用面积要适中,过大无疑浪费,而过小则拥挤不堪,合理面积应一般为6-10平方米左右。还要保证厨房空间的自然采光和合理通风。平面布局一般应尽量遵循厨室工作“三角原理”,尽量保证活动方便、快捷。 The use area of the kitchen should be moderate, excessive undoubtedly wasteful, and too small is crowded, reasonable area should be about 6-10 square metre commonly. Also ensure the natural lighting and reasonable ventilation of kitchen space. The plane layout should always try to follow the "triangle principle" of the kitchen work, and make the activity convenient and fast. 其次,厨房电器的尺寸及排放位置,应适合业主的一般习惯,而厨房电器也不能光看是否“洋气”,更要看是否中用。 Second, the size of kitchen appliance and discharge position, should suit the general habit of owner, and kitchen electric appliance also cannot see whether "foreign gas", more want to see whether to use. 此外,要给各种厨房电器安排或预留出安放之地,并在适当的位置安排电源插座。装修整体方案要充分考虑厨室工作的规律,让“主厨”有一个舒心、便捷的工作环境。 In addition, it is necessary to arrange or set aside places for various kitchen appliances, and arrange power outlets in appropriate locations. Decorate the whole plan to want to consider the law of the kitchen work adequately, let "chef" have a comfortable, convenient work environment. 2 2 材料选择 Material selection 防火、耐热是厨房装修选材必须考虑的安全因素。千万不可将电源插座随意置于没经过防火处理的木质橱柜上,以免短路打火造成不测。一定要在地面上设置地漏,并把落地台柜的接地部位设计为不怕湿水的材料,避免引水管跑水而引发橱柜受潮变形。煤气灶放置应与气源保持一定安全距离。在隐蔽管道时应考虑到方便维修。 Fire protection and heat resistance are the safety factors that must be considered in kitchen decoration materials. Must not put the power outlet at random in the wooden cabinet that did not pass fire treatment, in order to avoid the short circuit to cause the unexpected. It is necessary to set ground leakage on the ground, and design the grounding part of the floor cabinet to be not afraid of wet water material, avoid water diversion pipe running water and cause ambry deformation. The gas range should be kept at a safe distance from the gas source. Convenient maintenance should be taken into account in concealed piping. 此外,厨房的实际功能特点,决定了其使用材料的特殊性。不要为了追求效果,而以“实用”为代价。比如有人为了让厨房也“田园”,居然用松木作橱柜台面。但使用过程中,发现材质松软的松木的变形较大,导致台面面板出现了大量裂缝,最后没法继续使用。如果非要追求效果,也要到材料市场选择合适的材料代替松木实木。记住,装修中实用与美观永远是一对矛盾,但只要选对了材料,有时候矛盾是可以解决的。 In addition, the actual function characteristic of the kitchen decides its use material particularity. Don't try to achieve results, but at the cost of "utility". For example someone to let the kitchen also "rural", actually use pine to make ambry mesa. However, during the process, the deformation of the soft pine wood was found to be large, resulting in a large number of cracks in the mesa panel and finally unable to continue to use. If you insist on the effect, you should also choose suitable materials in the material market instead of pine wood. Remember, the practical and beautiful in the decoration is always a pair of contradictions, but only choose to the material, sometimes the contradiction can be solved. 3 3 收纳带来整洁 Bring in neatness 厨房的功能决定了它是居家环境最易“脏、乱、差”的地方。如何让厨房美观整洁,是厨房装修的除功能便捷以外的另一重要目的。要充分利用空间,利用台柜、吊柜等,给锅、碗、瓢、盆找一个相对妥善的收放空间,再把露明的管道隐藏起来,这样,杂乱无章就可变得井然有序。“病从口入”,是人们常说的一句老话。厨房装修还要注意生熟食品的分别放置,整体橱柜操作区与冰箱要相对隔离。 The function of the kitchen decides it is the place that home environment is easiest "dirty, disorderly, bad". How to make the kitchen beautiful and neat, it is the kitchen decorates the other important purpose besides the convenient function. Should make full use of space, use of ark and condole ark, etc., to the pot, bowl, gourd ladle, basin to find a relatively appropriate space release, then open the pipeline hidden, in this way, the chaotic variable is very orderly. "Disease from the mouth" is an old saying. The kitchen decorates should pay attention to the separate placement of raw food, integral ambry operation area and freezer should be relatively isolated.