整体厨房怎样设计才能舒适而高效 |
添加时间:2017/11/21 13:56:40 浏览次数:10 |
在调研中我们发现,很多厨房用起来不方便或者看起来不美观,原因归根结底,一个是布局上存在“先天不足”,一个就是对储藏认识不够,因此设计得不够人性不够精细。那么,厨房在设计时怎样设计才能既舒适又高效呢?下面我们主要从如何保证使用舒适便捷和怎样增加储藏量两个方面挑一些重要的点进行简要介绍。 In the survey, we found that a lot of kitchen is not convenient or looks unsightly, in the final analysis, one is the layout of the existence of "congenitally deficient", one is the lack of awareness of storage, so the design is not enough human nature is not fine enough. So, how can the kitchen design be comfortable and efficient? Below we mainly from how to ensure the use of comfortable and convenient and how to increase the amount of storage in two aspects to pick some important points for brief introduction. 一、如何保证使用的舒适便捷? First, how to ensure the comfortable and convenient use? 1. 有条件时应考虑让厨房与餐厅客厅之间视线通畅 1. conditions should be considered to allow the kitchen and dining room living room unobstructed line of sight 厨房的设计,应当注意操作者与公共区域之间视线的通畅性。(图1) The kitchen design should pay attention to the visibility between the operator and the public area. (Fig 1) 图1 厨房墙面增设观察窗,使得操作者可以兼顾家中公共区域的状况 Figure 1 adding observation window on the kitchen wall, so that the operator can take into account the status of public areas at home 在厨房操作时,为防止油烟飘散,厨房门通常为封闭状态,这就导致了厨房操作人员无法兼顾室内其他房间。特别是家里有老人和孩子的时候,他们往往在家庭中的公共区域活动,厨房声音嘈杂,如果视线不能兼顾家中的公共区域,厨房的操作人员也就无法及时处理家中老人或孩子发生的紧急情况。因此在这类家庭的厨房装修设计中,更应当注意厨房内视线的通畅性。如果条件允许,在其中一面墙上增设横向玻璃窗,不仅不影响吊柜的设置,而且还能让操作者兼顾家庭中公共区域的使用状况。或者将厨房与餐厅之间的隔断墙做成玻璃的,这样不仅可以让使用者观察到公共区域,还能增大室内空间的视觉效果。这种手法通常应用于小面积居室的厨房设计。(图2) In the kitchen operation, in order to prevent the fumes from spreading, the kitchen door is usually closed, which leads to the kitchen operators can not take into account other indoor rooms. Especially when the elderly and children at home, they are often in the family in the public area, kitchen noise, if the line can not take into account the public area of the home, the kitchen operators will not be able to timely emergency treatment in the elderly or children. Therefore, in the kitchen decoration design of such families, more attention should be paid to the visibility of the kitchen. If conditions permit, in one of the walls adding lateral windows, not only affect the cabinet setting, but also to allow the operator to take into account the public area of the family status. Or the partition wall between the kitchen and the dining room is made of glass, so that users can not only observe the public area, but also increase the visual effect of the indoor space. This technique is usually applied to the kitchen design of small living rooms. (Fig 2) 图2 厨房和餐厅之间的隔断为玻璃推拉门,增大空间感的同时也能让厨房的人兼顾室内情况 Figure 2 the partition between the kitchen and the dining room is a glass sliding door, which increases the sense of space and allows the kitchen people to take both indoor and outdoor conditions into consideration 2. 根据“拿洗切烧”的厨房操作流程,合理安排厨房设施位置 2. according to the "washing, cutting, burning" kitchen operation process, reasonable arrangement of kitchen facilities location 首先,冰箱是厨房中使用比较频繁的家电,使用中经常会把刚刚买来的菜品或者食品直接先放置在冰箱中,因此冰箱的位置通常位于厨房出入口附近或者是在餐厅中,便于拿取物品,减少走动距离。水盆通常设计在窗下,因为光照条件会比较良好,洗菜摘菜比较方便。 First of all, the refrigerator is used more frequently in the kitchen appliances, use often had just bought food or food directly placed in the refrigerator, the refrigerator location is usually located near the entrance to the kitchen or in the restaurant, easy to pick up items, reduce the walking distance. Basin is usually designed under the window, because the light conditions will be better, wash vegetables, pick vegetables more convenient. 其次,厨柜中各功能设置应根据洗菜(水盆区)-切菜(操作区)-炒菜(灶台区)的操作流线依次布置,且这一流程中的台面宜连续。如打乱这个流线设置功能,则必然存在往复运动,给实际使用带来不便。如果这一过程中台面不连贯,则整个操作过程不连续,容易在使用中遗撒物品弄脏厨房。(图3) Secondly, the function of the kitchen cabinet should be set according to the dish (basin area) - cutting (operation area) - Cooking (cooking area) operation streamline this process are arranged, and the table should be continuous. If the function of the streamline setting is disturbed, there must be reciprocating motion, which brings inconvenience to the actual use. If the table is not coherent, the whole operation process is discontinuous, and it is easy to contaminate the kitchen. (Fig 3) 图3 洗切烧流线依次布置且台面连续 Fig. 3 the washing and cutting line is arranged in succession and the table is continuous 最后,这道操作流线总长度也并非越长越好。洗-切-炒三者宜采用三角状布局,这样仅依靠转身或者移动一步就能完成整个操作流程,减少走动量。整个流线有效总长度宜控制在3米以内。(图4) Finally, the total length of the streamline is not long, the better. Wash, cut, fry three should adopt triangular layout, so that only by turning or moving a step can complete the whole operation process, reduce the momentum. The total effective length of the whole streamline should be controlled within 3 meters. (Fig 4) 图4 洗切烧总行进长度,即a+b+c总长度不宜超过3m Fig. 4 total length of washing and burning, that is to say, the total length of a+b+c should not exceed 3M 3. 加强对中部区域的利用 3., strengthen the use of the central region 与衣帽间的衣柜设计相同,橱柜设计中也存在“黄金使用区”。以净高2.4米的厨房为例,深度600mm的柜体在竖向划分上,自上而下可以划分为ABCDE五个区域,五个区域的利用率C>D>B>E>A。(图5) And cloakroom design is the same, the cabinet design also exists "gold use zone"". With a ceiling height of 2.4 meters in the kitchen as an example, the depth of 600mm in the vertical cabinet division, from top to bottom can be divided into ABCDE five regions, with five area rate of C > D > B > E > A. (Fig 5) 图5 600mm深柜体使用时竖向划分情况 Fig. 5 vertical division of 600mm deep cabinet 其中C区内拿取物品最为便利且视线可达性最好,故这个范围是整个柜体中的“黄金区域”,也就是我们经常提及的中部柜区域。最常用的物品与工具应收纳在这个位置。并且由于经常使用,这个区域的收纳方式应以开敞式设计为宜。 Among them, the C area is most convenient to take goods and the best accessibility, so this range is the whole cabinet in the "golden area", that is, we often refer to the middle cabinet area. The most commonly used items and tools should be stored in this position. And because of frequent use, this area should be accepted by open style design. 过去我们对于C区内收纳利用不足,吊柜底部距离地面较低(1.4-1.5米左右),这样一方面柜门开启时,操作者稍有不慎,头部极容易碰撞到吊柜柜门。另一方面由于吊柜高度通常为700mm左右,降低吊柜安装高度,还会使吊柜顶部距离吊顶过大,导致吊柜顶上积灰难以清扫。 We used for C area storage utilization, low cabinet bottom distance ground (1.4-1.5 meters), on the one hand, the cabinet door is opened, the slightest mistake, the head is very easy to hit the cabinet door. On the other hand, Diaogui height is usually around 700mm, reduce the installation height of cabinet, also make condole top distance ceiling is too large, leading to the top of the ash is difficult to clean the cabinet. 因此,建议将吊柜底边抬升到距离地面1.6米-1.65米左右的高度,这样可以扩大C区的空间高度,之后通过安装明格或五金架子,人为打造最好用的中部柜。中部柜内存放的是各种常用的小件物品,因此深度可以较吊柜稍浅。(图6) Therefore, suggestions will be raised to the bottom cabinet from the ground 1.6 meters -1.65 meters in height, so that it can expand the space height of C, then by installing Minger or hardware shelf, artificially built the best use of the central cabinet. The central storage cabinet is a variety of commonly used small items, so the depth can be slightly lighter than the cabinet. (Fig 6) 图6 抬高吊柜,不仅能够避免柜门开启后与操作者的碰撞及吊柜顶部积灰,而且能够扩大最好用的中部柜区域空间,使得厨柜利用率更高效 Figure 6 elevation Diaogui, can not only avoid the collision with the operator when the door is opened and the top cabinet of ash, but also expand the central region with the best cabinet space, making more efficient utilization of kitchen cabinet 二、怎样增加储藏量? Two, how to increase the storage capacity? 1. L型台面厨房有条件时可增设400mm深柜体成为U型布局 1. L type mesa kitchen can add 400mm deep cabinet when condition, become U type layout 过去厨房设计以深600mm的柜体为主,因此开间2.1米(净宽1.9米左右)的厨房,通常采用L型布局。然而并非所有的厨房家电或者收纳空间都需要600mm深的台面或柜体,对于微波炉、电饭煲、咖啡机、榨汁机等厨房小家电,深度350mm-400mm的台面或柜体就能满足安放要求。如果空间允许,增设一排深度350mm-400mm的柜体,将L型厨房布局修改为U型布局 The past to 600mm deep cabinet kitchen design, so the Bay 2.1 meters (width 1.9 meters) of the kitchen, usually using L type layout. However, not all kitchen appliances or storage space need 600mm deep mesa or cabinet, for microwave ovens, electric cookers, coffee machines, juicer and other small kitchen appliances, deep 350mm-400mm mesa or cabinet can meet the requirements of placement. If the space allows, add a row of depth 350mm-400mm cabinet, modify the L kitchen layout to U layout |
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